The `Uint8Array` prototype remains unmodified.
-## one minor difference
-#### In old browsers, `buf.slice()` does not modify parent buffer's memory
-If you only support modern browsers (specifically, those with typed array support),
-then this issue does not affect you. If you support super old browsers, then read on.
-In node, the `slice()` method returns a new `Buffer` that shares underlying memory
-with the original Buffer. When you modify one buffer, you modify the other.
-In browsers with typed array support, this `Buffer` implementation supports this
-behavior. In browsers without typed arrays, an alternate buffer implementation is
-used that is based on `Object` which has no mechanism to point separate
-`Buffer`s to the same underlying slab of memory.
-You can see which browser versions lack typed array support
## tracking the latest node api
This module tracks the Buffer API in the latest (unstable) version of node.js. The Buffer