* === false Use Object implementation (compatible down to IE6)
Buffer._useTypedArrays = (function () {
- // Detect if browser supports Typed Arrays. Supported browsers are IE 10+,
- // Firefox 4+, Chrome 7+, Safari 5.1+, Opera 11.6+, iOS 4.2+.
- // Does the browser support adding properties to `Uint8Array` instances? If
- // not, then that's the same as no `Uint8Array` support. We need to be able to
- // add all the node Buffer API methods.
- // Bug in Firefox 4-29, now fixed: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=695438
+ // Detect if browser supports Typed Arrays. Supported browsers are IE 10+, Firefox 4+,
+ // Chrome 7+, Safari 5.1+, Opera 11.6+, iOS 4.2+. If the browser does not support adding
+ // properties to `Uint8Array` instances, then that's the same as no `Uint8Array` support
+ // because we need to be able to add all the node Buffer API methods. This is an issue
+ // in Firefox 4-29. Now fixed: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=695438
try {
var buf = new ArrayBuffer(0)
var arr = new Uint8Array(buf)