* Retrieves accounts from a wallet using its child key derivation function.\r
+ * Defaults to the first account at index 0.\r
+ *\r
+ * Note: The wallet index of a given requested account might not correlate with\r
+ * its index in the returned array.\r
+ *\r
+ * For example, calling `await wallet.accounts(5)` will return the sixth\r
+ * account of the wallet in the first array element position at index 0.\r
+ *\r
+ * A shorthand way of getting one specific account could be\r
+ * `const account = (await wallet.accounts(N))[0]` where N is the wallet index\r
+ * of the desired account.\r
* @param {number} from - Start index of secret keys. Default: 0\r
* @param {number} to - End index of secret keys. Default: `from`\r