// throws bad argument error in commit 43cb4ec
-assert.equal(Buffer.allocUnsafe(-1).length, 0);
assert.equal(Buffer.allocUnsafe(NaN).length, 0);
assert.equal(Buffer.allocUnsafe(3.3).length, 3);
assert.equal(Buffer.from({length: 3.3}).length, 3);
Buffer.from(new ArrayBuffer());
+assert.throws(() => Buffer.alloc(-Buffer.poolSize),
+ '"size" argument must not be negative');
+assert.throws(() => Buffer.alloc(-100),
+ '"size" argument must not be negative');
+assert.throws(() => Buffer.allocUnsafe(-Buffer.poolSize),
+ '"size" argument must not be negative');
+assert.throws(() => Buffer.allocUnsafe(-100),
+ '"size" argument must not be negative');
+assert.throws(() => Buffer.allocUnsafeSlow(-Buffer.poolSize),
+ '"size" argument must not be negative');
+assert.throws(() => Buffer.allocUnsafeSlow(-100),
+ '"size" argument must not be negative');
+assert.throws(() => Buffer.alloc({ valueOf: () => 1 }),
+ /"size" argument must be a number/);
+assert.throws(() => Buffer.alloc({ valueOf: () => -1 }),
+ /"size" argument must be a number/);
// Call .fill() first, stops valgrind warning about uninitialized memory reads.
Buffer(3.3).fill().toString(); // throws bad argument error in commit 43cb4ec
-assert.equal(Buffer(-1).length, 0);
assert.equal(Buffer(NaN).length, 0);
assert.equal(Buffer(3.3).length, 3);
assert.equal(Buffer({length: 3.3}).length, 3);
// Test that large negative Buffer length inputs don't affect the pool offset.
- assert.deepStrictEqual(Buffer(-Buffer.poolSize), Buffer.from(''));
- assert.deepStrictEqual(Buffer(-100), Buffer.from(''));
- assert.deepStrictEqual(Buffer.allocUnsafe(-Buffer.poolSize), Buffer.from(''));
- assert.deepStrictEqual(Buffer.allocUnsafe(-100), Buffer.from(''));
+ // Use the fromArrayLike() variant here because it's more lenient
+ // about its input and passes the length directly to allocate().
+ assert.deepStrictEqual(Buffer({ length: -Buffer.poolSize }), Buffer.from(''));
+ assert.deepStrictEqual(Buffer({ length: -100 }), Buffer.from(''));
// Check pool offset after that by trying to write string into the pool.
assert.doesNotThrow(() => Buffer.from('abc'));
+// Test that large negative Buffer length inputs throw errors.
+assert.throws(() => Buffer(-Buffer.poolSize),
+ '"size" argument must not be negative');
+assert.throws(() => Buffer(-100),
+ '"size" argument must not be negative');
+assert.throws(() => Buffer(-1),
+ '"size" argument must not be negative');