From: Chris Duncan Date: Thu, 5 Dec 2024 23:51:10 +0000 (-0800) Subject: Create our own testing framework. Needs some double-checking on accuracy. X-Git-Url:;h=a1989a950b794af253a57897f97d02264cd7b25a;p=libnemo.git Create our own testing framework. Needs some double-checking on accuracy. --- diff --git a/favicon.ico b/favicon.ico new file mode 100644 index 0000000..024ed21 Binary files /dev/null and b/favicon.ico differ diff --git a/jest.config.ts b/jest.config.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3013080 --- /dev/null +++ b/jest.config.ts @@ -0,0 +1,199 @@ +/** + * For a detailed explanation regarding each configuration property, visit: + * + */ + +import type { Config } from 'jest' + +const config: Config = { + // All imported modules in your tests should be mocked automatically + // automock: false, + + // Stop running tests after `n` failures + // bail: 0, + + // The directory where Jest should store its cached dependency information + // cacheDirectory: "/tmp/jest_rs", + + // Automatically clear mock calls, instances, contexts and results before every test + clearMocks: true, + + // Indicates whether the coverage information should be collected while executing the test + collectCoverage: true, + + // An array of glob patterns indicating a set of files for which coverage information should be collected + // collectCoverageFrom: undefined, + + // The directory where Jest should output its coverage files + coverageDirectory: "coverage", + + // An array of regexp pattern strings used to skip coverage collection + coveragePathIgnorePatterns: [ + "/node_modules/" + ], + + // Indicates which provider should be used to instrument code for coverage + coverageProvider: "v8", + + // A list of reporter names that Jest uses when writing coverage reports + // coverageReporters: [ + // "json", + // "text", + // "lcov", + // "clover" + // ], + + // An object that configures minimum threshold enforcement for coverage results + // coverageThreshold: undefined, + + // A path to a custom dependency extractor + // dependencyExtractor: undefined, + + // Make calling deprecated APIs throw helpful error messages + // errorOnDeprecated: false, + + // The default configuration for fake timers + // fakeTimers: { + // "enableGlobally": false + // }, + + // Force coverage collection from ignored files using an array of glob patterns + // forceCoverageMatch: [], + + // A path to a module which exports an async function that is triggered once before all test suites + // globalSetup: undefined, + + // A path to a module which exports an async function that is triggered once after all test suites + // globalTeardown: undefined, + + // A set of global variables that need to be available in all test environments + // globals: {}, + + // The maximum amount of workers used to run your tests. Can be specified as % or a number. E.g. maxWorkers: 10% will use 10% of your CPU amount + 1 as the maximum worker number. maxWorkers: 2 will use a maximum of 2 workers. + // maxWorkers: "50%", + + // An array of directory names to be searched recursively up from the requiring module's location + moduleDirectories: [ + "node_modules" + ], + + // An array of file extensions your modules use + moduleFileExtensions: [ + "js", + "mjs", + "cjs", + "jsx", + "ts", + "tsx", + "json", + "node" + ], + + // A map from regular expressions to module names or to arrays of module names that allow to stub out resources with a single module + // moduleNameMapper: {}, + + // An array of regexp pattern strings, matched against all module paths before considered 'visible' to the module loader + // modulePathIgnorePatterns: [], + + // Activates notifications for test results + // notify: false, + + // An enum that specifies notification mode. Requires { notify: true } + // notifyMode: "failure-change", + + // A preset that is used as a base for Jest's configuration + // preset: undefined, + + // Run tests from one or more projects + // projects: undefined, + + // Use this configuration option to add custom reporters to Jest + // reporters: undefined, + + // Automatically reset mock state before every test + // resetMocks: false, + + // Reset the module registry before running each individual test + // resetModules: false, + + // A path to a custom resolver + // resolver: undefined, + + // Automatically restore mock state and implementation before every test + // restoreMocks: false, + + // The root directory that Jest should scan for tests and modules within + // rootDir: undefined, + + // A list of paths to directories that Jest should use to search for files in + // roots: [ + // "" + // ], + + // Allows you to use a custom runner instead of Jest's default test runner + // runner: "jest-runner", + + // The paths to modules that run some code to configure or set up the testing environment before each test + // setupFiles: [], + + // A list of paths to modules that run some code to configure or set up the testing framework before each test + // setupFilesAfterEnv: [], + + // The number of seconds after which a test is considered as slow and reported as such in the results. + // slowTestThreshold: 5, + + // A list of paths to snapshot serializer modules Jest should use for snapshot testing + // snapshotSerializers: [], + + // The test environment that will be used for testing + testEnvironment: "jsdom", + + // Options that will be passed to the testEnvironment + // testEnvironmentOptions: {}, + + // Adds a location field to test results + // testLocationInResults: false, + + // The glob patterns Jest uses to detect test files + testMatch: [ + "**/__tests__/**/*.m[jt]s?(x)", + "**/?(*.)+(spec|test).m[tj]s?(x)" + ], + + // An array of regexp pattern strings that are matched against all test paths, matched tests are skipped + // testPathIgnorePatterns: [ + // "/node_modules/" + // ], + + // The regexp pattern or array of patterns that Jest uses to detect test files + // testRegex: [], + + // This option allows the use of a custom results processor + // testResultsProcessor: undefined, + + // This option allows use of a custom test runner + // testRunner: "jest-circus/runner", + + // A map from regular expressions to paths to transformers + transform: {}, + + // An array of regexp pattern strings that are matched against all source file paths, matched files will skip transformation + // transformIgnorePatterns: [ + // "/node_modules/", + // "\\.pnp\\.[^\\/]+$" + // ], + + // An array of regexp pattern strings that are matched against all modules before the module loader will automatically return a mock for them + // unmockedModulePathPatterns: undefined, + + // Indicates whether each individual test should be reported during the run + // verbose: undefined, + + // An array of regexp patterns that are matched against all source file paths before re-running tests in watch mode + // watchPathIgnorePatterns: [], + + // Whether to use watchman for file crawling + // watchman: true, +} + +export default config diff --git a/package-lock.json b/package-lock.json index 4bd52d2..149f0bf 100644 --- a/package-lock.json +++ b/package-lock.json @@ -16,6 +16,8 @@ "@types/web-bluetooth": "^0.0.20", "esbuild": "^0.24.0", "jest": "^29.7.0", + "jest-environment-jsdom": "^29.7.0", + "ts-node": "^10.9.2", "typescript": "^5.6.3" }, "funding": { @@ -548,6 +550,30 @@ "dev": true, "license": "MIT" }, + "node_modules/@cspotcode/source-map-support": { + "version": "0.8.1", + "resolved": "", + "integrity": "sha512-IchNf6dN4tHoMFIn/7OE8LWZ19Y6q/67Bmf6vnGREv8RSbBVb9LPJxEcnwrcwX6ixSvaiGoomAUvu4YSxXrVgw==", + "dev": true, + "license": "MIT", + "dependencies": { + "@jridgewell/trace-mapping": "0.3.9" + }, + "engines": { + "node": ">=12" + } + }, + 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{} headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' - if (this.#n && process.env.LIBNEMO_RPC_API_KEY) { + if (this.#n && process?.env?.LIBNEMO_RPC_API_KEY) { headers[this.#n] = process.env.LIBNEMO_RPC_API_KEY } diff --git a/src/lib/wallet.ts b/src/lib/wallet.ts index 142f2b9..2c3ae3b 100644 --- a/src/lib/wallet.ts +++ b/src/lib/wallet.ts @@ -272,9 +272,9 @@ export class Bip44Wallet extends Wallet { if (!Bip44Wallet.#isInternal) { throw new Error(`Bip44Wallet cannot be instantiated directly. Use 'await Bip44Wallet.create()' instead.`) } + Bip44Wallet.#isInternal = false super(seed, mnemonic, id) this.#pool = new Pool(Bip44Ckd) - Bip44Wallet.#isInternal = false } /** @@ -296,7 +296,6 @@ export class Bip44Wallet extends Wallet { */ static async create (key: CryptoKey, salt?: string): Promise static async create (passkey: string | CryptoKey, salt: string = ''): Promise { - Bip44Wallet.#isInternal = true try { const e = new Entropy() return await Bip44Wallet.fromEntropy(passkey as string, e.hex, salt) @@ -326,11 +325,11 @@ export class Bip44Wallet extends Wallet { */ static async fromEntropy (key: CryptoKey, entropy: string, salt?: string): Promise static async fromEntropy (passkey: string | CryptoKey, entropy: string, salt: string = ''): Promise { - Bip44Wallet.#isInternal = true try { const e = new Entropy(entropy) const m = await Bip39Mnemonic.fromEntropy(e.hex) const s = await m.toBip39Seed(salt) + Bip44Wallet.#isInternal = true const wallet = new this(s, m) await wallet.lock(passkey as string) return wallet @@ -358,10 +357,10 @@ export class Bip44Wallet extends Wallet { */ static async fromMnemonic (key: CryptoKey, mnemonic: string, salt?: string): Promise static async fromMnemonic (passkey: string | CryptoKey, mnemonic: string, salt: string = ''): Promise { - Bip44Wallet.#isInternal = true try { const m = await Bip39Mnemonic.fromPhrase(mnemonic) const s = await m.toBip39Seed(salt) + Bip44Wallet.#isInternal = true const wallet = new this(s, m) await wallet.lock(passkey as string) return wallet @@ -391,13 +390,13 @@ export class Bip44Wallet extends Wallet { */ static async fromSeed (key: CryptoKey, seed: string): Promise static async fromSeed (passkey: string | CryptoKey, seed: string): Promise { - Bip44Wallet.#isInternal = true if (seed.length !== SEED_LENGTH_BIP44) { throw new Error(`Expected a ${SEED_LENGTH_BIP44}-character seed, but received ${seed.length}-character string.`) } if (!/^[0-9a-fA-F]+$/i.test(seed)) { throw new Error('Seed contains invalid hexadecimal characters.') } + Bip44Wallet.#isInternal = true const wallet = new this(seed) await wallet.lock(passkey as string) return wallet @@ -410,12 +409,11 @@ export class Bip44Wallet extends Wallet { * @returns {Bip44Wallet} Restored locked Bip44Wallet */ static async restore (id: string): Promise { - Bip44Wallet.#isInternal = true if (typeof id !== 'string' || id === '') { throw new TypeError('Wallet ID is required to restore') } - const wallet = new this('', undefined, id) - return wallet + Bip44Wallet.#isInternal = true + return new this('', undefined, id) } /** @@ -455,8 +453,8 @@ export class Blake2bWallet extends Wallet { if (!Blake2bWallet.#isInternal) { throw new Error(`Blake2bWallet cannot be instantiated directly. Use 'await Blake2bWallet.create()' instead.`) } - super(seed, mnemonic, id) Blake2bWallet.#isInternal = false + super(seed, mnemonic, id) } /** @@ -476,7 +474,6 @@ export class Blake2bWallet extends Wallet { */ static async create (key: CryptoKey): Promise static async create (passkey: string | CryptoKey): Promise { - Blake2bWallet.#isInternal = true try { const seed = new Entropy() return await Blake2bWallet.fromSeed(passkey as string, seed.hex) @@ -504,7 +501,6 @@ export class Blake2bWallet extends Wallet { */ static async fromSeed (key: CryptoKey, seed: string): Promise static async fromSeed (passkey: string | CryptoKey, seed: string): Promise { - Blake2bWallet.#isInternal = true if (seed.length !== SEED_LENGTH_BLAKE2B) { throw new Error(`Expected a ${SEED_LENGTH_BLAKE2B}-character seed, but received ${seed.length}-character string.`) } @@ -513,6 +509,7 @@ export class Blake2bWallet extends Wallet { } const s = seed const m = await Bip39Mnemonic.fromEntropy(seed) + Blake2bWallet.#isInternal = true const wallet = new this(s, m) await wallet.lock(passkey as string) return wallet @@ -535,10 +532,10 @@ export class Blake2bWallet extends Wallet { */ static async fromMnemonic (key: CryptoKey, mnemonic: string): Promise static async fromMnemonic (passkey: string | CryptoKey, mnemonic: string): Promise { - Blake2bWallet.#isInternal = true try { const m = await Bip39Mnemonic.fromPhrase(mnemonic) const s = await m.toBlake2bSeed() + Blake2bWallet.#isInternal = true const wallet = new this(s, m) await wallet.lock(passkey as string) return wallet @@ -554,12 +551,11 @@ export class Blake2bWallet extends Wallet { * @returns {Blake2bWallet} Restored locked Blake2bWallet */ static async restore (id: string): Promise { - Blake2bWallet.#isInternal = true if (typeof id !== 'string' || id === '') { throw new TypeError('Wallet ID is required to restore') } - const wallet = new this('', undefined, id) - return wallet + Blake2bWallet.#isInternal = true + return new this('', undefined, id) } /** @@ -602,9 +598,9 @@ export class LedgerWallet extends Wallet { if (!LedgerWallet.#isInternal) { throw new Error(`LedgerWallet cannot be instantiated directly. Use 'await LedgerWallet.create()' instead.`) } + LedgerWallet.#isInternal = false super(undefined, undefined, id) this.#ledger = ledger - LedgerWallet.#isInternal = false } /** @@ -614,9 +610,9 @@ export class LedgerWallet extends Wallet { * @returns {LedgerWallet} A wallet containing accounts and a Ledger device communication object */ static async create (): Promise { - LedgerWallet.#isInternal = true const { Ledger } = await import('./ledger.js') const l = await Ledger.init() + LedgerWallet.#isInternal = true return new this(l) } @@ -627,12 +623,12 @@ export class LedgerWallet extends Wallet { * @returns {LedgerWallet} Restored LedgerWallet */ static async restore (id: string): Promise { - LedgerWallet.#isInternal = true if (typeof id !== 'string' || id === '') { throw new TypeError('Wallet ID is required to restore') } const { Ledger } = await import('./ledger.js') const l = await Ledger.init() + LedgerWallet.#isInternal = true return new this(l, id) } diff --git a/test.html b/test.html index 92bc8b0..f3aa38b 100644 --- a/test.html +++ b/test.html @@ -1,8 +1,10 @@ + - + diff --git a/test/GLOBALS.mjs b/test/GLOBALS.mjs index 1c780fd..410d2ae 100644 --- a/test/GLOBALS.mjs +++ b/test/GLOBALS.mjs @@ -1,9 +1,6 @@ // SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 Chris Duncan // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later -import { EventEmitter } from 'node:events' -EventEmitter.defaultMaxListeners = navigator.hardwareConcurrency * 2 - if (globalThis.sessionStorage == null) { let _sessionStorage = {} Object.defineProperty(globalThis, 'sessionStorage', { @@ -18,3 +15,74 @@ if (globalThis.sessionStorage == null) { enumerable: true }) } + +export function skip (name, ...args) { + console.log(`SKIP: ${name}`) +} + +export function test (name, fn) { + if (fn instanceof Promise) { + try { + fn.then(() => console.log(`PASS: ${name}`)) + .catch((err) => console.error(`FAIL: ${name}`)) + } catch (err) { + console.error(`FAIL: ${name}`) + console.error(err) + } + } else { + try { + fn() + console.log(`PASS: ${name}`) + } catch (err) { + console.error(`FAIL: ${name}`) + console.error(err) + } + } +} + +export const assert = { + ok: (bool) => { + if (typeof bool !== 'boolean') throw new Error('Invalid assertion') + if (!bool) throw new Error(`test result falsy`) + return true + }, + exists: (a) => { + let b = a || null + if (b == null) throw new Error(`argument is ${typeof a}`) + return b != null + }, + equals: (a, b) => { + return a === b + }, + notEqual: (a, b) => { + return a !== b + }, + rejects: (fn, msg) => { + try { + if (!(fn instanceof Promise)) throw new Error(msg ?? 'expected async function') + fn.then(() => { throw new Error(msg ?? 'expected async function to reject') }) + .catch((err) => { return true }) + } catch (err) { + return true + } + }, + resolves: (fn, msg) => { + try { + if (!(fn instanceof Promise)) throw new Error('expected async function') + fn.then(() => { return true }) + .catch((err) => { throw new Error(msg ?? 'expected async function to resolve') }) + return true + } catch (err) { + throw new Error(msg ?? 'expected async function to resolve') + } + }, + throws: (fn, msg) => { + try { + const r = fn() + if (r instanceof Promise) throw new Error('expected synchronous function') + throw new Error(msg ?? `expected function to throw an exception`) + } catch (err) { + return true + } + } +} diff --git a/test/create-wallet.test.mjs b/test/create-wallet.test.mjs index 80ff375..ec7c448 100644 --- a/test/create-wallet.test.mjs +++ b/test/create-wallet.test.mjs @@ -3,62 +3,59 @@ 'use strict' -import '#test/GLOBALS.mjs' -import { describe, expect, test } from '@jest/globals' +import { assert, skip, test } from '#test/GLOBALS.mjs' import { NANO_TEST_VECTORS } from '#test/TEST_VECTORS.js' import { Bip44Wallet, Blake2bWallet, LedgerWallet } from '#dist/main.js' -describe('creating a new wallet', async () => { - test('BIP-44 wallet with random entropy', async () => { - const wallet = await Bip44Wallet.create(NANO_TEST_VECTORS.PASSWORD) - await wallet.unlock(NANO_TEST_VECTORS.PASSWORD) +test('BIP-44 wallet with random entropy', async () => { + const wallet = await Bip44Wallet.create(NANO_TEST_VECTORS.PASSWORD) + await wallet.unlock(NANO_TEST_VECTORS.PASSWORD) - expect('id' in wallet).toBeTruthy() - expect(/[A-Fa-f0-9]{32,64}/.test( - expect('mnemonic' in wallet).toBeTruthy() - expect(/^(?:[a-z]{3,} ){11,23}[a-z]{3,}$/.test(wallet.mnemonic)).toBeTruthy() - expect('seed' in wallet).toBeTruthy() - expect(/[A-Fa-f0-9]{32,64}/.test(wallet.seed)).toBeTruthy() - }) - - test('BLAKE2b wallet with random entropy', async () => { - const wallet = await Blake2bWallet.create(NANO_TEST_VECTORS.PASSWORD) - await wallet.unlock(NANO_TEST_VECTORS.PASSWORD) + assert.ok('id' in wallet) + assert.ok(/[A-Fa-f0-9]{32,64}/.test( + assert.ok('mnemonic' in wallet) + assert.ok(/^(?:[a-z]{3,} ){11,23}[a-z]{3,}$/.test(wallet.mnemonic)) + assert.ok('seed' in wallet) + assert.ok(/[A-Fa-f0-9]{32,64}/.test(wallet.seed)) +}) - expect('id' in wallet).toBeTruthy() - expect(/[A-Fa-f0-9]{32,64}/.test( - expect('mnemonic' in wallet).toBeTruthy() - expect(/^(?:[a-z]{3,} ){11,23}[a-z]{3,}$/.test(wallet.mnemonic)).toBeTruthy() - expect('seed' in wallet).toBeTruthy() - expect(/[A-Fa-f0-9]{32,64}/.test(wallet.seed)).toBeTruthy() - }) +test('BLAKE2b wallet with random entropy', async () => { + const wallet = await Blake2bWallet.create(NANO_TEST_VECTORS.PASSWORD) + await wallet.unlock(NANO_TEST_VECTORS.PASSWORD) - test('BIP-44 replace invalid salt with empty string', async () => { - const invalidArgs = [null, true, false, 0, 1, 2, { "foo": "bar" }] - for (const arg of invalidArgs) { - //@ts-expect-error - await assert.doesNotReject(Bip44Wallet.create(NANO_TEST_VECTORS.PASSWORD, arg), `Rejected ${arg}`) - } - }) + assert.ok('id' in wallet) + assert.ok(/[A-Fa-f0-9]{32,64}/.test( + assert.ok('mnemonic' in wallet) + assert.ok(/^(?:[a-z]{3,} ){11,23}[a-z]{3,}$/.test(wallet.mnemonic)) + assert.ok('seed' in wallet) + assert.ok(/[A-Fa-f0-9]{32,64}/.test(wallet.seed)) +}) - test('fail when using new', async () => { +test('BIP-44 replace invalid salt with empty string', async () => { + const invalidArgs = [null, true, false, 0, 1, 2, { "foo": "bar" }] + for (const arg of invalidArgs) { //@ts-expect-error - expect(() => new Bip44Wallet()).toThrow() - //@ts-expect-error - expect(() => new Blake2bWallet()).toThrow() - //@ts-expect-error - expect(() => new LedgerWallet()).toThrow() - }) + assert.resolves(Bip44Wallet.create(NANO_TEST_VECTORS.PASSWORD, arg)) + } +}) - test('fail without a password', async () => { - //@ts-expect-error - expect(async () => await Bip44Wallet.create()).rejects() - //@ts-expect-error - expect(async () => await Blake2bWallet.create()).rejects() - }) +test('fail when using new', () => { + //@ts-expect-error + assert.throws(() => new Bip44Wallet()) + //@ts-expect-error + assert.throws(() => new Blake2bWallet()) + //@ts-expect-error + assert.throws(() => new LedgerWallet()) +}) + +test('fail without a password', async () => { + //@ts-expect-error + assert.rejects(Bip44Wallet.create()) + //@ts-expect-error + assert.rejects(Blake2bWallet.create()) +}) - test.skip('connect to ledger', async () => { - const wallet = await LedgerWallet.create() - expect(wallet).toBeDefined() - }) +skip('connect to ledger', async () => { + const wallet = await LedgerWallet.create() + assert.ok(wallet) }) diff --git a/test/derive-accounts.test.mjs b/test/derive-accounts.test.mjs index 9dc9513..44ecd26 100644 --- a/test/derive-accounts.test.mjs +++ b/test/derive-accounts.test.mjs @@ -3,46 +3,45 @@ 'use strict' -import '#test/GLOBALS.mjs' -import { describe, expect, test } from '@jest/globals' +import { assert, skip, test } from '#test/GLOBALS.mjs' import { NANO_TEST_VECTORS } from '#test/TEST_VECTORS.js' import { Bip44Wallet, Blake2bWallet, LedgerWallet } from '#dist/main.js' -describe('derive child accounts from the same seed', async () => { +test('derive child accounts from the same seed', async () => { const wallet = await Bip44Wallet.fromSeed(NANO_TEST_VECTORS.PASSWORD, NANO_TEST_VECTORS.BIP39_SEED) await wallet.unlock(NANO_TEST_VECTORS.PASSWORD) test('should derive the first account from the given BIP-44 seed', async () => { const accounts = await wallet.accounts() - assert.equal(accounts.length, 1) - assert.equal(accounts[0].privateKey, NANO_TEST_VECTORS.PRIVATE_0) - assert.equal(accounts[0].publicKey, NANO_TEST_VECTORS.PUBLIC_0) - assert.equal(accounts[0].address, NANO_TEST_VECTORS.ADDRESS_0) + assert.equals(accounts.length, 1) + assert.equals(accounts[0].privateKey, NANO_TEST_VECTORS.PRIVATE_0) + assert.equals(accounts[0].publicKey, NANO_TEST_VECTORS.PUBLIC_0) + assert.equals(accounts[0].address, NANO_TEST_VECTORS.ADDRESS_0) }) test('should derive low indexed accounts from the given BIP-44 seed', async () => { const accounts = await wallet.accounts(1, 2) - assert.equal(accounts.length, 2) - assert.equal(accounts[0].privateKey, NANO_TEST_VECTORS.PRIVATE_1) - assert.equal(accounts[0].publicKey, NANO_TEST_VECTORS.PUBLIC_1) - assert.equal(accounts[0].address, NANO_TEST_VECTORS.ADDRESS_1) - assert.equal(accounts[1].privateKey, NANO_TEST_VECTORS.PRIVATE_2) - assert.equal(accounts[1].publicKey, NANO_TEST_VECTORS.PUBLIC_2) - assert.equal(accounts[1].address, NANO_TEST_VECTORS.ADDRESS_2) + assert.equals(accounts.length, 2) + assert.equals(accounts[0].privateKey, NANO_TEST_VECTORS.PRIVATE_1) + assert.equals(accounts[0].publicKey, NANO_TEST_VECTORS.PUBLIC_1) + assert.equals(accounts[0].address, NANO_TEST_VECTORS.ADDRESS_1) + assert.equals(accounts[1].privateKey, NANO_TEST_VECTORS.PRIVATE_2) + assert.equals(accounts[1].publicKey, NANO_TEST_VECTORS.PUBLIC_2) + assert.equals(accounts[1].address, NANO_TEST_VECTORS.ADDRESS_2) }) test('should derive high indexed accounts from the given seed', async () => { const accounts = await wallet.accounts(0x70000000, 0x700000ff) - assert.equal(accounts.length, 0x100) + assert.equals(accounts.length, 0x100) for (const a of accounts) { - assert.ok(a) - assert.ok(a.address) - assert.ok(a.publicKey) - assert.ok(a.privateKey) - assert.ok(a.index != null) + assert.exists(a) + assert.exists(a.address) + assert.exists(a.publicKey) + assert.exists(a.privateKey) + assert.exists(a.index) } }) @@ -51,36 +50,36 @@ describe('derive child accounts from the same seed', async () => { await bwallet.unlock(NANO_TEST_VECTORS.PASSWORD) const lowAccounts = await bwallet.accounts(0, 2) - assert.equal(lowAccounts.length, 3) + assert.equals(lowAccounts.length, 3) for (const a of lowAccounts) { - assert.ok(a) - assert.ok(a.address) - assert.ok(a.publicKey) - assert.ok(a.privateKey) - assert.ok(a.index != null) + assert.exists(a) + assert.exists(a.address) + assert.exists(a.publicKey) + assert.exists(a.privateKey) + assert.exists(a.index) } const highAccounts = await bwallet.accounts(0x70000000, 0x700000ff) - assert.equal(highAccounts.length, 0x100) + assert.equals(highAccounts.length, 0x100) for (const a of highAccounts) { - assert.ok(a) - assert.ok(a.address) - assert.ok(a.publicKey) - assert.ok(a.privateKey) - assert.ok(a.index != null) + assert.exists(a) + assert.exists(a.address) + assert.exists(a.publicKey) + assert.exists(a.privateKey) + assert.exists(a.index) } }) }) -describe.skip('Ledger device accounts', async () => { +skip('Ledger device accounts', async () => { const wallet = await LedgerWallet.create() test('should fetch the first account from a Ledger device', async () => { const accounts = await wallet.accounts() - assert.equal(accounts.length, 1) - assert.ok(accounts[0].publicKey) - assert.ok(accounts[0].address) + assert.equals(accounts.length, 1) + assert.exists(accounts[0].publicKey) + assert.exists(accounts[0].address) }) }) diff --git a/test/import-wallet.test.mjs b/test/import-wallet.test.mjs index 56d913a..1585620 100644 --- a/test/import-wallet.test.mjs +++ b/test/import-wallet.test.mjs @@ -3,12 +3,11 @@ 'use strict' -import '#test/GLOBALS.mjs' -import { describe, expect, test } from '@jest/globals' +import { assert, test } from '#test/GLOBALS.mjs' import { BIP32_TEST_VECTORS, CUSTOM_TEST_VECTORS, NANO_TEST_VECTORS, TREZOR_TEST_VECTORS } from '#test/TEST_VECTORS.js' import { Account, Bip44Wallet, Blake2bWallet } from '#dist/main.js' -describe('import wallet with test vectors test', () => { +test('import wallet with test vectors test', () => { test('should successfully import a wallet with the official Nano test vectors mnemonic', async () => { const wallet = await Bip44Wallet.fromMnemonic(NANO_TEST_VECTORS.PASSWORD, NANO_TEST_VECTORS.MNEMONIC, NANO_TEST_VECTORS.PASSWORD) await wallet.unlock(NANO_TEST_VECTORS.PASSWORD) @@ -17,17 +16,17 @@ describe('import wallet with test vectors test', () => { assert.ok('mnemonic' in wallet) assert.ok('seed' in wallet) assert.ok(accounts[0] instanceof Account) - assert.equal(wallet.mnemonic, NANO_TEST_VECTORS.MNEMONIC) - assert.equal(wallet.seed, NANO_TEST_VECTORS.BIP39_SEED) - assert.equal(accounts[0].privateKey, NANO_TEST_VECTORS.PRIVATE_0) - assert.equal(accounts[0].publicKey, NANO_TEST_VECTORS.PUBLIC_0) - assert.equal(accounts[0].address, NANO_TEST_VECTORS.ADDRESS_0) + assert.equals(wallet.mnemonic, NANO_TEST_VECTORS.MNEMONIC) + assert.equals(wallet.seed, NANO_TEST_VECTORS.BIP39_SEED) + assert.equals(accounts[0].privateKey, NANO_TEST_VECTORS.PRIVATE_0) + assert.equals(accounts[0].publicKey, NANO_TEST_VECTORS.PUBLIC_0) + assert.equals(accounts[0].address, NANO_TEST_VECTORS.ADDRESS_0) }) test('should successfully import a wallet with the checksum starting with a zero', async () => { const wallet = await Bip44Wallet.fromMnemonic(NANO_TEST_VECTORS.PASSWORD, 'food define cancel major spoon trash cigar basic aim bless wolf win ability seek paddle bench seed century group they mercy address monkey cake') await wallet.unlock(NANO_TEST_VECTORS.PASSWORD) - assert.equal(wallet.seed, 'F665F804E5907985455D1E5A7AD344843A2ED4179A7E06EEF263DE925FF6F4C0991B0A9344FCEE939FE0F1B1841B8C9B20FEACF6B954B74B2D26A01906B758E2') + assert.equals(wallet.seed, 'F665F804E5907985455D1E5A7AD344843A2ED4179A7E06EEF263DE925FF6F4C0991B0A9344FCEE939FE0F1B1841B8C9B20FEACF6B954B74B2D26A01906B758E2') }) test('should successfully import a wallet with a 12-word phrase', async () => { @@ -36,11 +35,11 @@ describe('import wallet with test vectors test', () => { const accounts = await wallet.accounts() const account = accounts[0] - assert.equal(wallet.mnemonic, CUSTOM_TEST_VECTORS.MNEMONIC_0) - assert.equal(wallet.seed, CUSTOM_TEST_VECTORS.SEED_0) - assert.equal(account.privateKey, CUSTOM_TEST_VECTORS.PRIVATE_0) - assert.equal(account.publicKey, CUSTOM_TEST_VECTORS.PUBLIC_0) - assert.equal(account.address, CUSTOM_TEST_VECTORS.ADDRESS_0) + assert.equals(wallet.mnemonic, CUSTOM_TEST_VECTORS.MNEMONIC_0) + assert.equals(wallet.seed, CUSTOM_TEST_VECTORS.SEED_0) + assert.equals(account.privateKey, CUSTOM_TEST_VECTORS.PRIVATE_0) + assert.equals(account.publicKey, CUSTOM_TEST_VECTORS.PUBLIC_0) + assert.equals(account.address, CUSTOM_TEST_VECTORS.ADDRESS_0) }) test('should successfully import a wallet with a 15-word phrase', async () => { @@ -49,11 +48,11 @@ describe('import wallet with test vectors test', () => { const accounts = await wallet.accounts() const account = accounts[0] - assert.equal(wallet.mnemonic, CUSTOM_TEST_VECTORS.MNEMONIC_1) - assert.equal(wallet.seed, CUSTOM_TEST_VECTORS.SEED_1) - assert.equal(account.privateKey, CUSTOM_TEST_VECTORS.PRIVATE_1) - assert.equal(account.publicKey, CUSTOM_TEST_VECTORS.PUBLIC_1) - assert.equal(account.address, CUSTOM_TEST_VECTORS.ADDRESS_1) + assert.equals(wallet.mnemonic, CUSTOM_TEST_VECTORS.MNEMONIC_1) + assert.equals(wallet.seed, CUSTOM_TEST_VECTORS.SEED_1) + assert.equals(account.privateKey, CUSTOM_TEST_VECTORS.PRIVATE_1) + assert.equals(account.publicKey, CUSTOM_TEST_VECTORS.PUBLIC_1) + assert.equals(account.address, CUSTOM_TEST_VECTORS.ADDRESS_1) }) test('should successfully import a wallet with a 18-word phrase', async () => { @@ -62,11 +61,11 @@ describe('import wallet with test vectors test', () => { const accounts = await wallet.accounts() const account = accounts[0] - assert.equal(wallet.mnemonic, CUSTOM_TEST_VECTORS.MNEMONIC_2) - assert.equal(wallet.seed, CUSTOM_TEST_VECTORS.SEED_2) - assert.equal(account.privateKey, CUSTOM_TEST_VECTORS.PRIVATE_2) - assert.equal(account.publicKey, CUSTOM_TEST_VECTORS.PUBLIC_2) - assert.equal(account.address, CUSTOM_TEST_VECTORS.ADDRESS_2) + assert.equals(wallet.mnemonic, CUSTOM_TEST_VECTORS.MNEMONIC_2) + assert.equals(wallet.seed, CUSTOM_TEST_VECTORS.SEED_2) + assert.equals(account.privateKey, CUSTOM_TEST_VECTORS.PRIVATE_2) + assert.equals(account.publicKey, CUSTOM_TEST_VECTORS.PUBLIC_2) + assert.equals(account.address, CUSTOM_TEST_VECTORS.ADDRESS_2) }) test('should successfully import a wallet with a 21-word phrase', async () => { @@ -75,11 +74,11 @@ describe('import wallet with test vectors test', () => { const accounts = await wallet.accounts() const account = accounts[0] - assert.equal(wallet.mnemonic, CUSTOM_TEST_VECTORS.MNEMONIC_3) - assert.equal(wallet.seed, CUSTOM_TEST_VECTORS.SEED_3) - assert.equal(account.privateKey, CUSTOM_TEST_VECTORS.PRIVATE_3) - assert.equal(account.publicKey, CUSTOM_TEST_VECTORS.PUBLIC_3) - assert.equal(account.address, CUSTOM_TEST_VECTORS.ADDRESS_3) + assert.equals(wallet.mnemonic, CUSTOM_TEST_VECTORS.MNEMONIC_3) + assert.equals(wallet.seed, CUSTOM_TEST_VECTORS.SEED_3) + assert.equals(account.privateKey, CUSTOM_TEST_VECTORS.PRIVATE_3) + assert.equals(account.publicKey, CUSTOM_TEST_VECTORS.PUBLIC_3) + assert.equals(account.address, CUSTOM_TEST_VECTORS.ADDRESS_3) }) test('should successfully import a wallet with the official Nano test vectors seed', async () => { @@ -90,11 +89,11 @@ describe('import wallet with test vectors test', () => { assert.ok('mnemonic' in wallet) assert.ok('seed' in wallet) assert.ok(accounts[0] instanceof Account) - assert.equal(wallet.mnemonic, '') - assert.equal(wallet.seed, NANO_TEST_VECTORS.BIP39_SEED) - assert.equal(accounts[0].privateKey, NANO_TEST_VECTORS.PRIVATE_0) - assert.equal(accounts[0].publicKey, NANO_TEST_VECTORS.PUBLIC_0) - assert.equal(accounts[0].address, NANO_TEST_VECTORS.ADDRESS_0) + assert.equals(wallet.mnemonic, '') + assert.equals(wallet.seed, NANO_TEST_VECTORS.BIP39_SEED) + assert.equals(accounts[0].privateKey, NANO_TEST_VECTORS.PRIVATE_0) + assert.equals(accounts[0].publicKey, NANO_TEST_VECTORS.PUBLIC_0) + assert.equals(accounts[0].address, NANO_TEST_VECTORS.ADDRESS_0) }) test('should successfully import a BIP-44 wallet with the zero seed', async () => { @@ -104,15 +103,15 @@ describe('import wallet with test vectors test', () => { assert.ok('mnemonic' in wallet) assert.ok('seed' in wallet) - assert.equal(wallet.mnemonic, TREZOR_TEST_VECTORS.MNEMONIC_0) - assert.equal(wallet.seed, TREZOR_TEST_VECTORS.SEED_0.toUpperCase()) - assert.equal(accounts.length, 4) + assert.equals(wallet.mnemonic, TREZOR_TEST_VECTORS.MNEMONIC_0) + assert.equals(wallet.seed, TREZOR_TEST_VECTORS.SEED_0.toUpperCase()) + assert.equals(accounts.length, 4) for (let i = 0; i < accounts.length; i++) { assert.ok(accounts[i]) assert.ok(accounts[i].address) assert.ok(accounts[i].publicKey) assert.ok(accounts[i].privateKey) - assert.equal(accounts[i].index, i) + assert.equals(accounts[i].index, i) } }) @@ -123,15 +122,15 @@ describe('import wallet with test vectors test', () => { assert.ok('mnemonic' in wallet) assert.ok('seed' in wallet) - assert.equal(wallet.mnemonic, TREZOR_TEST_VECTORS.MNEMONIC_0) - assert.equal(wallet.seed, TREZOR_TEST_VECTORS.ENTROPY_0) - assert.equal(accounts.length, 4) + assert.equals(wallet.mnemonic, TREZOR_TEST_VECTORS.MNEMONIC_0) + assert.equals(wallet.seed, TREZOR_TEST_VECTORS.ENTROPY_0) + assert.equals(accounts.length, 4) for (let i = 0; i < accounts.length; i++) { assert.ok(accounts[i]) assert.ok(accounts[i].address) assert.ok(accounts[i].publicKey) assert.ok(accounts[i].privateKey) - assert.equal(accounts[i].index, i) + assert.equals(accounts[i].index, i) } }) @@ -142,18 +141,18 @@ describe('import wallet with test vectors test', () => { assert.ok('mnemonic' in wallet) assert.ok('seed' in wallet) - assert.equal(wallet.mnemonic, TREZOR_TEST_VECTORS.MNEMONIC_1) - assert.equal(wallet.seed, TREZOR_TEST_VECTORS.ENTROPY_1) + assert.equals(wallet.mnemonic, TREZOR_TEST_VECTORS.MNEMONIC_1) + assert.equals(wallet.seed, TREZOR_TEST_VECTORS.ENTROPY_1) assert.ok(accounts[0] instanceof Account) - assert.equal(accounts[0].index, 0) - assert.equal(accounts[0].privateKey, TREZOR_TEST_VECTORS.BLAKE2B_1_PRIVATE_0) - assert.equal(accounts[0].publicKey, TREZOR_TEST_VECTORS.BLAKE2B_1_PUBLIC_0) - assert.equal(accounts[0].address, TREZOR_TEST_VECTORS.BLAKE2B_1_ADDRESS_0) + assert.equals(accounts[0].index, 0) + assert.equals(accounts[0].privateKey, TREZOR_TEST_VECTORS.BLAKE2B_1_PRIVATE_0) + assert.equals(accounts[0].publicKey, TREZOR_TEST_VECTORS.BLAKE2B_1_PUBLIC_0) + assert.equals(accounts[0].address, TREZOR_TEST_VECTORS.BLAKE2B_1_ADDRESS_0) assert.ok(accounts[1] instanceof Account) - assert.equal(accounts[1].index, 1) - assert.equal(accounts[1].privateKey, TREZOR_TEST_VECTORS.BLAKE2B_1_PRIVATE_1) - assert.equal(accounts[1].publicKey, TREZOR_TEST_VECTORS.BLAKE2B_1_PUBLIC_1) - assert.equal(accounts[1].address, TREZOR_TEST_VECTORS.BLAKE2B_1_ADDRESS_1) + assert.equals(accounts[1].index, 1) + assert.equals(accounts[1].privateKey, TREZOR_TEST_VECTORS.BLAKE2B_1_PRIVATE_1) + assert.equals(accounts[1].publicKey, TREZOR_TEST_VECTORS.BLAKE2B_1_PUBLIC_1) + assert.equals(accounts[1].address, TREZOR_TEST_VECTORS.BLAKE2B_1_ADDRESS_1) }) test('should get identical BLAKE2b wallets when created with a seed versus with its derived mnemonic', async () => { @@ -165,17 +164,17 @@ describe('import wallet with test vectors test', () => { assert.ok('mnemonic' in wallet) assert.ok('seed' in wallet) assert.ok(walletAccount) - assert.equal(wallet.mnemonic, TREZOR_TEST_VECTORS.MNEMONIC_2) + assert.equals(wallet.mnemonic, TREZOR_TEST_VECTORS.MNEMONIC_2) const imported = await Blake2bWallet.fromMnemonic(TREZOR_TEST_VECTORS.PASSWORD, TREZOR_TEST_VECTORS.MNEMONIC_2) await imported.unlock(TREZOR_TEST_VECTORS.PASSWORD) const importedAccounts = await imported.accounts() const importedAccount = importedAccounts[0] - assert.equal(imported.mnemonic, wallet.mnemonic) - assert.equal(imported.seed, wallet.seed) - assert.equal(importedAccount.privateKey, walletAccount.privateKey) - assert.equal(importedAccount.publicKey, walletAccount.publicKey) + assert.equals(imported.mnemonic, wallet.mnemonic) + assert.equals(imported.seed, wallet.seed) + assert.equals(importedAccount.privateKey, walletAccount.privateKey) + assert.equals(importedAccount.publicKey, walletAccount.publicKey) }) test('should get identical BLAKE2b wallets when created with max entropy value', async () => { @@ -186,16 +185,16 @@ describe('import wallet with test vectors test', () => { assert.ok('mnemonic' in wallet) assert.ok('seed' in wallet) assert.ok(accounts[0] instanceof Account) - assert.equal(wallet.mnemonic, TREZOR_TEST_VECTORS.MNEMONIC_3) - assert.equal(wallet.seed, TREZOR_TEST_VECTORS.ENTROPY_3) - assert.equal(accounts[0].index, 0) - assert.equal(accounts[0].privateKey, TREZOR_TEST_VECTORS.BLAKE2B_3_PRIVATE_0) - assert.equal(accounts[0].publicKey, TREZOR_TEST_VECTORS.BLAKE2B_3_PUBLIC_0) - assert.equal(accounts[0].address, TREZOR_TEST_VECTORS.BLAKE2B_3_ADDRESS_0) + assert.equals(wallet.mnemonic, TREZOR_TEST_VECTORS.MNEMONIC_3) + assert.equals(wallet.seed, TREZOR_TEST_VECTORS.ENTROPY_3) + assert.equals(accounts[0].index, 0) + assert.equals(accounts[0].privateKey, TREZOR_TEST_VECTORS.BLAKE2B_3_PRIVATE_0) + assert.equals(accounts[0].publicKey, TREZOR_TEST_VECTORS.BLAKE2B_3_PUBLIC_0) + assert.equals(accounts[0].address, TREZOR_TEST_VECTORS.BLAKE2B_3_ADDRESS_0) }) }) -describe('invalid wallet', async () => { +test('invalid wallet', async () => { test('throw when given invalid entropy', async () => { assert.rejects(async () => await Bip44Wallet.fromEntropy(NANO_TEST_VECTORS.PASSWORD, '6CAF5A42BB8074314AAE20295975ECE663BE7AAD945A73613D193B0CC41C797')) assert.rejects(async () => await Bip44Wallet.fromEntropy(NANO_TEST_VECTORS.PASSWORD, '6CAF5A42BB8074314AAE20295975ECE663BE7AAD945A73613D193B0CC41C79701')) @@ -204,36 +203,36 @@ describe('invalid wallet', async () => { test('should throw when given a seed with an invalid length', async () => { await assert.rejects(Bip44Wallet.fromSeed(NANO_TEST_VECTORS.PASSWORD, NANO_TEST_VECTORS.BIP39_SEED + 'f'), - { message: `Expected a ${NANO_TEST_VECTORS.BIP39_SEED.length}-character seed, but received ${NANO_TEST_VECTORS.BIP39_SEED.length + 1}-character string.` }) + `Expected a ${NANO_TEST_VECTORS.BIP39_SEED.length}-character seed, but received ${NANO_TEST_VECTORS.BIP39_SEED.length + 1}-character string.`) await assert.rejects(Bip44Wallet.fromSeed(NANO_TEST_VECTORS.PASSWORD, NANO_TEST_VECTORS.BIP39_SEED.slice(0, -1)), - { message: `Expected a ${NANO_TEST_VECTORS.BIP39_SEED.length}-character seed, but received ${NANO_TEST_VECTORS.BIP39_SEED.length - 1}-character string.` }) + `Expected a ${NANO_TEST_VECTORS.BIP39_SEED.length}-character seed, but received ${NANO_TEST_VECTORS.BIP39_SEED.length - 1}-character string.`) }) test('should throw when given a seed containing non-hex characters', async () => { await assert.rejects(Bip44Wallet.fromSeed(NANO_TEST_VECTORS.PASSWORD, TREZOR_TEST_VECTORS.SEED_0.replace(/./, 'g')), - { message: 'Seed contains invalid hexadecimal characters.' }) + 'Seed contains invalid hexadecimal characters.') await assert.rejects(Blake2bWallet.fromSeed(NANO_TEST_VECTORS.PASSWORD, TREZOR_TEST_VECTORS.ENTROPY_1.replace(/./, 'g')), - { message: 'Seed contains invalid hexadecimal characters.' }) + 'Seed contains invalid hexadecimal characters.') }) }) -describe('import from storage', async () => { +test('import from storage', async () => { test('should retrieve a Bip44Wallet from storage using an ID', async () => { const id = (await Bip44Wallet.fromMnemonic(NANO_TEST_VECTORS.PASSWORD, NANO_TEST_VECTORS.MNEMONIC, NANO_TEST_VECTORS.PASSWORD)).id const wallet = await Bip44Wallet.restore(id) assert.ok('mnemonic' in wallet) assert.ok('seed' in wallet) - assert.equal(wallet.mnemonic, '') - assert.equal(wallet.seed, '') + assert.equals(wallet.mnemonic, '') + assert.equals(wallet.seed, '') const unlockResult = await wallet.unlock(NANO_TEST_VECTORS.PASSWORD) - assert.equal(unlockResult, true) + assert.equals(unlockResult, true) assert.ok('mnemonic' in wallet) assert.ok('seed' in wallet) - assert.equal(wallet.mnemonic, NANO_TEST_VECTORS.MNEMONIC) - assert.equal(wallet.seed, NANO_TEST_VECTORS.BIP39_SEED) + assert.equals(wallet.mnemonic, NANO_TEST_VECTORS.MNEMONIC) + assert.equals(wallet.seed, NANO_TEST_VECTORS.BIP39_SEED) }) test('should retrieve a Blake2bWallet from storage using an ID', async () => { @@ -242,15 +241,15 @@ describe('import from storage', async () => { assert.ok('mnemonic' in wallet) assert.ok('seed' in wallet) - assert.equal(wallet.mnemonic, '') - assert.equal(wallet.seed, '') + assert.equals(wallet.mnemonic, '') + assert.equals(wallet.seed, '') const unlockResult = await wallet.unlock(NANO_TEST_VECTORS.PASSWORD) - assert.equal(unlockResult, true) + assert.equals(unlockResult, true) assert.ok('mnemonic' in wallet) assert.ok('seed' in wallet) - assert.equal(wallet.mnemonic, TREZOR_TEST_VECTORS.MNEMONIC_0) - assert.equal(wallet.seed, TREZOR_TEST_VECTORS.ENTROPY_0) + assert.equals(wallet.mnemonic, TREZOR_TEST_VECTORS.MNEMONIC_0) + assert.equals(wallet.seed, TREZOR_TEST_VECTORS.ENTROPY_0) }) }) diff --git a/test/lock-unlock-wallet.mjs b/test/lock-unlock-wallet.mjs index 3c271e5..b583555 100644 --- a/test/lock-unlock-wallet.mjs +++ b/test/lock-unlock-wallet.mjs @@ -3,27 +3,26 @@ 'use strict' -import '#test/GLOBALS.mjs' -import { describe, expect, test } from '@jest/globals' +import { assert, test } from '#test/GLOBALS.mjs' import { NANO_TEST_VECTORS, TREZOR_TEST_VECTORS } from '#test/TEST_VECTORS.js' import { Bip44Wallet, Blake2bWallet } from '#dist/main.js' -describe('locking and unlocking a Bip44Wallet', async () => { +test('locking and unlocking a Bip44Wallet', async () => { test('should succeed with a password', async () => { const wallet = await Bip44Wallet.fromMnemonic(NANO_TEST_VECTORS.PASSWORD, NANO_TEST_VECTORS.MNEMONIC, NANO_TEST_VECTORS.PASSWORD) assert.ok('mnemonic' in wallet) assert.ok('seed' in wallet) - assert.equal(wallet.mnemonic, '') - assert.equal(wallet.seed, '') + assert.equals(wallet.mnemonic, '') + assert.equals(wallet.seed, '') const unlockResult = await wallet.unlock(NANO_TEST_VECTORS.PASSWORD) - assert.equal(unlockResult, true) + assert.equals(unlockResult, true) assert.ok('mnemonic' in wallet) assert.ok('seed' in wallet) - assert.equal(wallet.mnemonic, NANO_TEST_VECTORS.MNEMONIC) - assert.equal(wallet.seed, NANO_TEST_VECTORS.BIP39_SEED) + assert.equals(wallet.mnemonic, NANO_TEST_VECTORS.MNEMONIC) + assert.equals(wallet.seed, NANO_TEST_VECTORS.BIP39_SEED) }) test('should succeed with a random CryptoKey', async () => { @@ -35,16 +34,16 @@ describe('locking and unlocking a Bip44Wallet', async () => { assert.ok(lockResult) assert.ok('mnemonic' in wallet) assert.ok('seed' in wallet) - assert.equal(wallet.mnemonic, '') - assert.equal(wallet.seed, '') + assert.equals(wallet.mnemonic, '') + assert.equals(wallet.seed, '') const unlockResult = await wallet.unlock(key) - assert.equal(unlockResult, true) + assert.equals(unlockResult, true) assert.ok('mnemonic' in wallet) assert.ok('seed' in wallet) - assert.equal(wallet.mnemonic, NANO_TEST_VECTORS.MNEMONIC) - assert.equal(wallet.seed, NANO_TEST_VECTORS.BIP39_SEED) + assert.equals(wallet.mnemonic, NANO_TEST_VECTORS.MNEMONIC) + assert.equals(wallet.seed, NANO_TEST_VECTORS.BIP39_SEED) }) test('should fail to unlock with different passwords', async () => { @@ -53,7 +52,7 @@ describe('locking and unlocking a Bip44Wallet', async () => { const lockResult = await wallet.lock(TREZOR_TEST_VECTORS.PASSWORD) await assert.rejects(wallet.unlock(NANO_TEST_VECTORS.PASSWORD), { message: 'Failed to unlock wallet' }) - assert.equal(lockResult, true) + assert.equals(lockResult, true) assert.ok('mnemonic' in wallet) assert.ok('seed' in wallet) assert.notEqual(wallet.mnemonic, NANO_TEST_VECTORS.MNEMONIC) @@ -68,7 +67,7 @@ describe('locking and unlocking a Bip44Wallet', async () => { const lockResult = await wallet.lock(rightKey) await assert.rejects(wallet.unlock(wrongKey), { message: 'Failed to unlock wallet' }) - assert.equal(lockResult, true) + assert.equals(lockResult, true) assert.ok('mnemonic' in wallet) assert.ok('seed' in wallet) assert.notEqual(wallet.mnemonic, NANO_TEST_VECTORS.MNEMONIC) @@ -94,8 +93,8 @@ describe('locking and unlocking a Bip44Wallet', async () => { await assert.rejects(wallet.lock(), { message: 'Failed to lock wallet' }) assert.ok('mnemonic' in wallet) assert.ok('seed' in wallet) - assert.equal(wallet.mnemonic, NANO_TEST_VECTORS.MNEMONIC) - assert.equal(wallet.seed, NANO_TEST_VECTORS.BIP39_SEED) + assert.equals(wallet.mnemonic, NANO_TEST_VECTORS.MNEMONIC) + assert.equals(wallet.seed, NANO_TEST_VECTORS.BIP39_SEED) await wallet.lock('password') @@ -115,8 +114,8 @@ describe('locking and unlocking a Bip44Wallet', async () => { await assert.rejects(wallet.lock(1), { message: 'Failed to lock wallet' }) assert.ok('mnemonic' in wallet) assert.ok('seed' in wallet) - assert.equal(wallet.mnemonic, NANO_TEST_VECTORS.MNEMONIC) - assert.equal(wallet.seed, NANO_TEST_VECTORS.BIP39_SEED) + assert.equals(wallet.mnemonic, NANO_TEST_VECTORS.MNEMONIC) + assert.equals(wallet.seed, NANO_TEST_VECTORS.BIP39_SEED) await wallet.lock(NANO_TEST_VECTORS.PASSWORD) @@ -129,22 +128,22 @@ describe('locking and unlocking a Bip44Wallet', async () => { }) }) -describe('locking and unlocking a Blake2bWallet', async () => { +test('locking and unlocking a Blake2bWallet', async () => { test('should succeed with a password', async () => { const wallet = await Blake2bWallet.fromSeed(NANO_TEST_VECTORS.PASSWORD, TREZOR_TEST_VECTORS.ENTROPY_0) assert.ok('mnemonic' in wallet) assert.ok('seed' in wallet) - assert.equal(wallet.mnemonic, '') - assert.equal(wallet.seed, '') + assert.equals(wallet.mnemonic, '') + assert.equals(wallet.seed, '') const unlockResult = await wallet.unlock(NANO_TEST_VECTORS.PASSWORD) - assert.equal(unlockResult, true) + assert.equals(unlockResult, true) assert.ok('mnemonic' in wallet) assert.ok('seed' in wallet) - assert.equal(wallet.mnemonic, TREZOR_TEST_VECTORS.MNEMONIC_0) - assert.equal(wallet.seed, TREZOR_TEST_VECTORS.ENTROPY_0) + assert.equals(wallet.mnemonic, TREZOR_TEST_VECTORS.MNEMONIC_0) + assert.equals(wallet.seed, TREZOR_TEST_VECTORS.ENTROPY_0) }) test('should succeed with a random CryptoKey', async () => { @@ -153,20 +152,20 @@ describe('locking and unlocking a Blake2bWallet', async () => { const key = await globalThis.crypto.subtle.generateKey({ name: 'AES-GCM', length: 256 }, false, ['encrypt', 'decrypt']) const lockResult = await wallet.lock(key) - assert.equal(lockResult, true) + assert.equals(lockResult, true) assert.ok('mnemonic' in wallet) assert.ok('seed' in wallet) - assert.equal(wallet.mnemonic, '') - assert.equal(wallet.seed, '') + assert.equals(wallet.mnemonic, '') + assert.equals(wallet.seed, '') const unlockResult = await wallet.unlock(key) - assert.equal(lockResult, true) - assert.equal(unlockResult, true) + assert.equals(lockResult, true) + assert.equals(unlockResult, true) assert.ok('mnemonic' in wallet) assert.ok('seed' in wallet) - assert.equal(wallet.mnemonic, TREZOR_TEST_VECTORS.MNEMONIC_1) - assert.equal(wallet.seed, TREZOR_TEST_VECTORS.ENTROPY_1) + assert.equals(wallet.mnemonic, TREZOR_TEST_VECTORS.MNEMONIC_1) + assert.equals(wallet.seed, TREZOR_TEST_VECTORS.ENTROPY_1) }) test('should fail to unlock with different passwords', async () => { @@ -187,7 +186,7 @@ describe('locking and unlocking a Blake2bWallet', async () => { const lockResult = await wallet.lock(rightKey) await assert.rejects(wallet.unlock(wrongKey), { message: 'Failed to unlock wallet' }) - assert.equal(lockResult, true) + assert.equals(lockResult, true) assert.ok('mnemonic' in wallet) assert.ok('seed' in wallet) assert.notEqual(wallet.mnemonic, TREZOR_TEST_VECTORS.MNEMONIC_1) @@ -213,8 +212,8 @@ describe('locking and unlocking a Blake2bWallet', async () => { await assert.rejects(wallet.lock(), { message: 'Failed to lock wallet' }) assert.ok('mnemonic' in wallet) assert.ok('seed' in wallet) - assert.equal(wallet.mnemonic, TREZOR_TEST_VECTORS.MNEMONIC_1) - assert.equal(wallet.seed, TREZOR_TEST_VECTORS.ENTROPY_1) + assert.equals(wallet.mnemonic, TREZOR_TEST_VECTORS.MNEMONIC_1) + assert.equals(wallet.seed, TREZOR_TEST_VECTORS.ENTROPY_1) await wallet.lock(NANO_TEST_VECTORS.PASSWORD) @@ -234,8 +233,8 @@ describe('locking and unlocking a Blake2bWallet', async () => { await assert.rejects(wallet.lock(1), { message: 'Failed to lock wallet' }) assert.ok('mnemonic' in wallet) assert.ok('seed' in wallet) - assert.equal(wallet.mnemonic, TREZOR_TEST_VECTORS.MNEMONIC_1) - assert.equal(wallet.seed, TREZOR_TEST_VECTORS.ENTROPY_1) + assert.equals(wallet.mnemonic, TREZOR_TEST_VECTORS.MNEMONIC_1) + assert.equals(wallet.seed, TREZOR_TEST_VECTORS.ENTROPY_1) await wallet.lock(NANO_TEST_VECTORS.PASSWORD) diff --git a/test/main.mjs b/test/main.mjs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f7a990f --- /dev/null +++ b/test/main.mjs @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 Chris Duncan +// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later + +import './create-wallet.test.mjs' +import './derive-accounts.test.mjs' +import './import-wallet.test.mjs' +import './lock-unlock-wallet.mjs' +import './manage-rolodex.mjs' +import './refresh-accounts.test.mjs' +import './sign-blocks.test.mjs' +import './tools.test.mjs' + +import './perf/account.perf.js' +import './perf/wallet.perf.js' + +console.log('> TESTING COMPLETE <') diff --git a/test/manage-rolodex.mjs b/test/manage-rolodex.mjs index e15d22d..53c0d27 100644 --- a/test/manage-rolodex.mjs +++ b/test/manage-rolodex.mjs @@ -3,31 +3,30 @@ 'use strict' -import '#test/GLOBALS.mjs' -import { describe, expect, test } from '@jest/globals' +import { assert, test } from '#test/GLOBALS.mjs' import { NANO_TEST_VECTORS } from '#test/TEST_VECTORS.js' import { Rolodex, Tools } from '#dist/main.js' -describe('rolodex valid contact management', async () => { +test('rolodex valid contact management', async () => { test('should create a rolodex and add two contacts', async () => { const rolodex = new Rolodex() - assert.equal(rolodex.constructor, Rolodex) + assert.equals(rolodex.constructor, Rolodex) await rolodex.add('JohnDoe', NANO_TEST_VECTORS.ADDRESS_0) await rolodex.add('JaneSmith', NANO_TEST_VECTORS.ADDRESS_1) - assert.equal(rolodex.getAllNames().length, 2) - assert.equal(rolodex.getAllNames()[0], 'JohnDoe') - assert.equal(rolodex.getAllNames()[1], 'JaneSmith') - assert.equal(rolodex.getAddresses('JohnDoe').length, 1) - assert.equal(rolodex.getAddresses('JohnDoe')[0], NANO_TEST_VECTORS.ADDRESS_0) - assert.equal(rolodex.getAddresses('JaneSmith').length, 1) - assert.equal(rolodex.getAddresses('JaneSmith')[0], NANO_TEST_VECTORS.ADDRESS_1) + assert.equals(rolodex.getAllNames().length, 2) + assert.equals(rolodex.getAllNames()[0], 'JohnDoe') + assert.equals(rolodex.getAllNames()[1], 'JaneSmith') + assert.equals(rolodex.getAddresses('JohnDoe').length, 1) + assert.equals(rolodex.getAddresses('JohnDoe')[0], NANO_TEST_VECTORS.ADDRESS_0) + assert.equals(rolodex.getAddresses('JaneSmith').length, 1) + assert.equals(rolodex.getAddresses('JaneSmith')[0], NANO_TEST_VECTORS.ADDRESS_1) }) test('should get a name from an address', async () => { const rolodex = new Rolodex() await rolodex.add('JohnDoe', NANO_TEST_VECTORS.ADDRESS_0) - assert.equal(rolodex.getName(NANO_TEST_VECTORS.ADDRESS_0), 'JohnDoe') + assert.equals(rolodex.getName(NANO_TEST_VECTORS.ADDRESS_0), 'JohnDoe') }) test('should add three addresses to the same contact', async () => { @@ -35,46 +34,46 @@ describe('rolodex valid contact management', async () => { await rolodex.add('JohnDoe', NANO_TEST_VECTORS.ADDRESS_1) await rolodex.add('JohnDoe', NANO_TEST_VECTORS.ADDRESS_2) await rolodex.add('JohnDoe', NANO_TEST_VECTORS.ADDRESS_0) - assert.equal(rolodex.getAddresses('JohnDoe').length, 3) - assert.equal(rolodex.getAddresses('JohnDoe')[0], NANO_TEST_VECTORS.ADDRESS_1) - assert.equal(rolodex.getAddresses('JohnDoe')[1], NANO_TEST_VECTORS.ADDRESS_2) - assert.equal(rolodex.getAddresses('JohnDoe')[2], NANO_TEST_VECTORS.ADDRESS_0) + assert.equals(rolodex.getAddresses('JohnDoe').length, 3) + assert.equals(rolodex.getAddresses('JohnDoe')[0], NANO_TEST_VECTORS.ADDRESS_1) + assert.equals(rolodex.getAddresses('JohnDoe')[1], NANO_TEST_VECTORS.ADDRESS_2) + assert.equals(rolodex.getAddresses('JohnDoe')[2], NANO_TEST_VECTORS.ADDRESS_0) }) test('should update the name on an existing entry', async () => { const rolodex = new Rolodex() await rolodex.add('JohnDoe', NANO_TEST_VECTORS.ADDRESS_0) await rolodex.add('JaneSmith', NANO_TEST_VECTORS.ADDRESS_0) - assert.equal(rolodex.getAddresses('JohnDoe').length, 0) - assert.equal(rolodex.getAddresses('JaneSmith').length, 1) - assert.equal(rolodex.getAddresses('JaneSmith')[0], NANO_TEST_VECTORS.ADDRESS_0) + assert.equals(rolodex.getAddresses('JohnDoe').length, 0) + assert.equals(rolodex.getAddresses('JaneSmith').length, 1) + assert.equals(rolodex.getAddresses('JaneSmith')[0], NANO_TEST_VECTORS.ADDRESS_0) }) test('should return empty address array for an unknown contact', async () => { const rolodex = new Rolodex() await rolodex.add('JohnDoe', NANO_TEST_VECTORS.ADDRESS_0) - assert.equal(Array.isArray(rolodex.getAddresses('JaneSmith')), true) - assert.equal(rolodex.getAddresses('JaneSmith').length, 0) + assert.equals(Array.isArray(rolodex.getAddresses('JaneSmith')), true) + assert.equals(rolodex.getAddresses('JaneSmith').length, 0) }) test('should return empty address array for blank contact names', () => { const rolodex = new Rolodex() //@ts-expect-error - assert.equal(Array.isArray(rolodex.getAddresses(undefined)), true) + assert.equals(Array.isArray(rolodex.getAddresses(undefined)), true) //@ts-expect-error - assert.equal(rolodex.getAddresses(undefined).length, 0) + assert.equals(rolodex.getAddresses(undefined).length, 0) //@ts-expect-error - assert.equal(Array.isArray(rolodex.getAddresses(null)), true) + assert.equals(Array.isArray(rolodex.getAddresses(null)), true) //@ts-expect-error - assert.equal(rolodex.getAddresses(null).length, 0) - assert.equal(Array.isArray(rolodex.getAddresses('')), true) - assert.equal(rolodex.getAddresses('').length, 0) + assert.equals(rolodex.getAddresses(null).length, 0) + assert.equals(Array.isArray(rolodex.getAddresses('')), true) + assert.equals(rolodex.getAddresses('').length, 0) }) test('should return null for an unknown address', async () => { const rolodex = new Rolodex() await rolodex.add('JohnDoe', NANO_TEST_VECTORS.ADDRESS_0) - assert.equal(rolodex.getName(NANO_TEST_VECTORS.ADDRESS_1), null) + assert.equals(rolodex.getName(NANO_TEST_VECTORS.ADDRESS_1), null) assert.notEqual(rolodex.getName(NANO_TEST_VECTORS.ADDRESS_1), undefined) }) @@ -82,19 +81,19 @@ describe('rolodex valid contact management', async () => { const rolodex = new Rolodex() await rolodex.add('JohnDoe', NANO_TEST_VECTORS.ADDRESS_0) //@ts-expect-error - assert.equal(rolodex.getName(undefined), null) + assert.equals(rolodex.getName(undefined), null) //@ts-expect-error assert.notEqual(rolodex.getName(undefined), undefined) //@ts-expect-error - assert.equal(rolodex.getName(null), null) + assert.equals(rolodex.getName(null), null) //@ts-expect-error assert.notEqual(rolodex.getName(null), undefined) - assert.equal(rolodex.getName(''), null) + assert.equals(rolodex.getName(''), null) assert.notEqual(rolodex.getName(''), undefined) }) }) -describe('rolodex exceptions', async () => { +test('rolodex exceptions', async () => { test('should throw if adding no data', async () => { const rolodex = new Rolodex() //@ts-expect-error @@ -122,7 +121,7 @@ describe('rolodex exceptions', async () => { }) }) -describe('rolodex data signature verification', async () => { +test('rolodex data signature verification', async () => { const data = 'Test data' const signature = await Tools.sign(NANO_TEST_VECTORS.PRIVATE_0, data) const rolodex = new Rolodex() @@ -130,12 +129,12 @@ describe('rolodex data signature verification', async () => { test('should verify valid data and signature', async () => { await rolodex.add('JohnDoe', NANO_TEST_VECTORS.ADDRESS_0) const result = await rolodex.verify('JohnDoe', signature, data) - assert.equal(result, true) + assert.equals(result, true) }) test('should reject incorrect contact for signature', async () => { await rolodex.add('JaneSmith', NANO_TEST_VECTORS.ADDRESS_1) const result = await rolodex.verify('JaneSmith', signature, data) - assert.equal(result, false) + assert.equals(result, false) }) }) diff --git a/perf/account.perf.js b/test/perf/account.perf.js similarity index 67% rename from perf/account.perf.js rename to test/perf/account.perf.js index 831f275..e4d796a 100644 --- a/perf/account.perf.js +++ b/test/perf/account.perf.js @@ -3,27 +3,25 @@ 'use strict' -import '#test/GLOBALS.mjs' -import { describe, expect, test } from '@jest/globals' +import { assert, skip, test } from '#test/GLOBALS.mjs' import { NANO_TEST_VECTORS } from '#test/TEST_VECTORS.js' import { Bip44Wallet, Blake2bWallet } from '#dist/main.js' -console.log('child key derivation performance test') - -test('BIP-44 ckd', async () => { +test('BIP-44 ckd performance test', async () => { const wallet = await Bip44Wallet.create(NANO_TEST_VECTORS.PASSWORD) await wallet.unlock(NANO_TEST_VECTORS.PASSWORD) + console.log(`HERE`) const accounts = await wallet.accounts(0, 0x7fff) - expect(accounts.length).toEqual(0x8000) + assert.equals(accounts.length, 0x8000) }) -test('BLAKE2b ckd', async () => { +test('BLAKE2b ckd performance test', async () => { const wallet = await Blake2bWallet.create(NANO_TEST_VECTORS.PASSWORD) await wallet.unlock(NANO_TEST_VECTORS.PASSWORD) const accounts = await wallet.accounts(0, 0x7fff) - expect(accounts.length).toEqual(0x8000) + assert.equals(accounts.length, 0x8000) }) diff --git a/perf/wallet.perf.js b/test/perf/wallet.perf.js similarity index 62% rename from perf/wallet.perf.js rename to test/perf/wallet.perf.js index 51cb4a8..7c65a68 100644 --- a/perf/wallet.perf.js +++ b/test/perf/wallet.perf.js @@ -3,25 +3,22 @@ 'use strict' -import '#test/GLOBALS.mjs' -import { describe, expect, test } from '@jest/globals' +import { assert, skip, test } from '#test/GLOBALS.mjs' import { NANO_TEST_VECTORS } from '#test/TEST_VECTORS.js' import { Bip44Wallet, Blake2bWallet } from '#dist/main.js' -console.log('wallet performance test') - -test.skip('creating BIP-44 wallets', async () => { +test('creating BIP-44 wallets performance test', async () => { const wallets = [] for (let i = 0x80; i > 0; i--) { wallets.push(await Bip44Wallet.create(NANO_TEST_VECTORS.PASSWORD)) } - expect(wallets.length).toEqual(0x80) + assert.equals(wallets.length, 0x80) }) -test.skip('creating BLAKE2b wallets', async () => { +test('creating BLAKE2b wallets performance test', async () => { const wallets = [] for (let i = 0x80; i > 0; i--) { wallets.push(await Blake2bWallet.create(NANO_TEST_VECTORS.PASSWORD)) } - expect(wallets.length).toEqual(0x80) + assert.equals(wallets.length, 0x80) }) diff --git a/test/refresh-accounts.test.mjs b/test/refresh-accounts.test.mjs index 23010d9..00e76fa 100644 --- a/test/refresh-accounts.test.mjs +++ b/test/refresh-accounts.test.mjs @@ -3,34 +3,39 @@ 'use strict' -import '#test/GLOBALS.mjs' -import { describe, expect, test } from '@jest/globals' +import { assert, skip, test } from '#test/GLOBALS.mjs' import { NANO_TEST_VECTORS } from '#test/TEST_VECTORS.js' import { Account, Bip44Wallet, Rpc } from '#dist/main.js' const wallet = await Bip44Wallet.fromSeed(NANO_TEST_VECTORS.PASSWORD, NANO_TEST_VECTORS.BIP39_SEED) await wallet.unlock(NANO_TEST_VECTORS.PASSWORD) -const node = new Rpc(process.env.NODE_URL ?? '', process.env.API_KEY_NAME) - -describe.skip('refreshing account info', async () => { +let rpc +//@ts-expect-error +var process = process || null +if (process) { + //@ts-expect-error + rpc = new Rpc(process?.env?.NODE_URL ?? '', process?.env?.API_KEY_NAME) +} + +skip('refreshing account info', async () => { test('should fetch balance, frontier, and representative', async () => { const accounts = await wallet.accounts() const account = accounts[0] - await account.refresh(node) + await account.refresh(rpc) - assert.equal(typeof account.balance, 'bigint') + assert.equals(typeof account.balance, 'bigint') assert.notEqual(account.balance, undefined) assert.notEqual(account.balance, null) assert.notEqual(account.balance, '') assert.notEqual(account.balance && account.balance < 0, true) - assert.equal(typeof, 'string') + assert.equals(typeof, 'string') assert.notEqual(, undefined) assert.notEqual(, null) assert.notEqual(, '') assert.match( ?? '', /^[0-9A-F]{64}$/i) - assert.equal(account.representative && account.representative.constructor, Account) + assert.equals(account.representative && account.representative.constructor, Account) assert.notEqual(account.representative, undefined) assert.notEqual(account.representative, null) assert.notEqual(account.representative, '') @@ -42,7 +47,7 @@ describe.skip('refreshing account info', async () => { test('should throw when refreshing unopened account', async () => { const accounts = await wallet.accounts(0x7fffffff) const account = accounts[0] - await assert.rejects(account.refresh(node), + await assert.rejects(account.refresh(rpc), { message: 'Account not found' }) }) @@ -60,26 +65,26 @@ describe.skip('refreshing account info', async () => { }) }) -describe.skip('finding next unopened account', async () => { +skip('finding next unopened account', async () => { test('should return correct account from test vector', async () => { - const account = await wallet.getNextNewAccount(node) + const account = await wallet.getNextNewAccount(rpc) assert.ok(account) - assert.equal(account.address, NANO_TEST_VECTORS.ADDRESS_1) - assert.equal(account.publicKey, NANO_TEST_VECTORS.PUBLIC_1) + assert.equals(account.address, NANO_TEST_VECTORS.ADDRESS_1) + assert.equals(account.publicKey, NANO_TEST_VECTORS.PUBLIC_1) }) test('should return successfully for small batch size', async () => { - const account = await wallet.getNextNewAccount(node, 1) + const account = await wallet.getNextNewAccount(rpc, 1) assert.ok(account) - assert.equal(account.address, NANO_TEST_VECTORS.ADDRESS_1) - assert.equal(account.publicKey, NANO_TEST_VECTORS.PUBLIC_1) + assert.equals(account.address, NANO_TEST_VECTORS.ADDRESS_1) + assert.equals(account.publicKey, NANO_TEST_VECTORS.PUBLIC_1) }) test('should return successfully for large batch size', async () => { - const account = await wallet.getNextNewAccount(node, 100) + const account = await wallet.getNextNewAccount(rpc, 100) assert.ok(account) - assert.equal(account.address, NANO_TEST_VECTORS.ADDRESS_1) - assert.equal(account.publicKey, NANO_TEST_VECTORS.PUBLIC_1) + assert.equals(account.address, NANO_TEST_VECTORS.ADDRESS_1) + assert.equals(account.publicKey, NANO_TEST_VECTORS.PUBLIC_1) }) test('should throw on invalid node URL', async () => { @@ -97,35 +102,35 @@ describe.skip('finding next unopened account', async () => { test('should throw on invalid batch size', async () => { //@ts-expect-error - await assert.rejects(wallet.getNextNewAccount(node, null)) - await assert.rejects(wallet.getNextNewAccount(node, -1)) + await assert.rejects(wallet.getNextNewAccount(rpc, null)) + await assert.rejects(wallet.getNextNewAccount(rpc, -1)) //@ts-expect-error - await assert.rejects(wallet.getNextNewAccount(node, '')) + await assert.rejects(wallet.getNextNewAccount(rpc, '')) //@ts-expect-error - await assert.rejects(wallet.getNextNewAccount(node, 'foo')) + await assert.rejects(wallet.getNextNewAccount(rpc, 'foo')) //@ts-expect-error - await assert.rejects(wallet.getNextNewAccount(node, { 'foo': 'bar' })) + await assert.rejects(wallet.getNextNewAccount(rpc, { 'foo': 'bar' })) }) }) -describe.skip('refreshing wallet accounts', async () => { +skip('refreshing wallet accounts', async () => { test('should get balance, frontier, and representative for one account', async () => { - const accounts = await wallet.refresh(node) + const accounts = await wallet.refresh(rpc) const account = accounts[0] assert.ok(account instanceof Account) - assert.equal(typeof account.balance, 'bigint') + assert.equals(typeof account.balance, 'bigint') assert.notEqual(, undefined) assert.notEqual(, null) - assert.equal(typeof, 'string') + assert.equals(typeof, 'string') }) test('should get balance, frontier, and representative for multiple accounts', async () => { - const accounts = await wallet.refresh(node, 0, 2) - assert.equal(accounts.length, 1) + const accounts = await wallet.refresh(rpc, 0, 2) + assert.equals(accounts.length, 1) assert.ok(accounts[0] instanceof Account) }) test('should handle failure gracefully', async () => { - await assert.doesNotReject(wallet.refresh(node, 0, 20)) + await assert.doesNotReject(wallet.refresh(rpc, 0, 20)) }) }) diff --git a/test/sign-blocks.test.mjs b/test/sign-blocks.test.mjs index d37439c..0415a97 100644 --- a/test/sign-blocks.test.mjs +++ b/test/sign-blocks.test.mjs @@ -3,12 +3,11 @@ 'use strict' -import '#test/GLOBALS.mjs' -import { describe, expect, test } from '@jest/globals' +import { assert, test } from '#test/GLOBALS.mjs' import { NANO_TEST_VECTORS } from '#test/TEST_VECTORS.js' import { SendBlock, ReceiveBlock, ChangeBlock } from '#dist/main.js' -describe('valid blocks', async () => { +test('valid blocks', async () => { test('should not allow negative balances', async () => { assert.throws(() => { const block = new SendBlock( @@ -32,7 +31,7 @@ describe('valid blocks', async () => { '92BA74A7D6DC7557F3EDA95ADC6341D51AC777A0A6FF0688A5C492AB2B2CB40D' ) assert.notEqual(block.balance, 0) - assert.equal(block.balance, BigInt(0)) + assert.equals(block.balance, BigInt(0)) }) test('should subtract balance from SendBlock correctly', async () => { @@ -44,7 +43,7 @@ describe('valid blocks', async () => { NANO_TEST_VECTORS.ADDRESS_2, '92BA74A7D6DC7557F3EDA95ADC6341D51AC777A0A6FF0688A5C492AB2B2CB40D' ) - assert.equal(block.balance, 1000000000000000000000000000000n) + assert.equals(block.balance, 1000000000000000000000000000000n) }) test('should add balance from ReceiveBlock correctly', async () => { @@ -56,11 +55,11 @@ describe('valid blocks', async () => { NANO_TEST_VECTORS.ADDRESS_2, '92BA74A7D6DC7557F3EDA95ADC6341D51AC777A0A6FF0688A5C492AB2B2CB40D' ) - assert.equal(block.balance, 3000000000000000000000000000000n) + assert.equals(block.balance, 3000000000000000000000000000000n) }) }) -describe('block signing tests using official test vectors', async () => { +test('block signing tests using official test vectors', async () => { test('should create a valid signature for an open block', async () => { const block = new ReceiveBlock( NANO_TEST_VECTORS.OPEN_BLOCK.account, @@ -72,8 +71,8 @@ describe('block signing tests using official test vectors', async () => { ) await block.sign(NANO_TEST_VECTORS.OPEN_BLOCK.key) - assert.equal(await block.hash(), NANO_TEST_VECTORS.OPEN_BLOCK.hash) - assert.equal(block.signature, NANO_TEST_VECTORS.OPEN_BLOCK.signature) + assert.equals(await block.hash(), NANO_TEST_VECTORS.OPEN_BLOCK.hash) + assert.equals(block.signature, NANO_TEST_VECTORS.OPEN_BLOCK.signature) }) test('should create a valid signature for a receive block', async () => { @@ -87,8 +86,8 @@ describe('block signing tests using official test vectors', async () => { ) await block.sign(NANO_TEST_VECTORS.RECEIVE_BLOCK.key) - assert.equal(await block.hash(), NANO_TEST_VECTORS.RECEIVE_BLOCK.hash) - assert.equal(block.signature, NANO_TEST_VECTORS.RECEIVE_BLOCK.signature) + assert.equals(await block.hash(), NANO_TEST_VECTORS.RECEIVE_BLOCK.hash) + assert.equals(block.signature, NANO_TEST_VECTORS.RECEIVE_BLOCK.signature) }) test('should create a valid signature for a receive block without work', async () => { @@ -101,9 +100,9 @@ describe('block signing tests using official test vectors', async () => { NANO_TEST_VECTORS.RECEIVE_BLOCK.previous ) await block.sign(NANO_TEST_VECTORS.RECEIVE_BLOCK.key) - assert.equal(await block.hash(), NANO_TEST_VECTORS.RECEIVE_BLOCK.hash) - assert.equal(block.signature, NANO_TEST_VECTORS.RECEIVE_BLOCK.signature) - assert.equal(, '') + assert.equals(await block.hash(), NANO_TEST_VECTORS.RECEIVE_BLOCK.hash) + assert.equals(block.signature, NANO_TEST_VECTORS.RECEIVE_BLOCK.signature) + assert.equals(, '') }) test('should create a valid signature for a send block', async () => { @@ -117,8 +116,8 @@ describe('block signing tests using official test vectors', async () => { ) await block.sign(NANO_TEST_VECTORS.SEND_BLOCK.key) - assert.equal(await block.hash(), NANO_TEST_VECTORS.SEND_BLOCK.hash) - assert.equal(block.signature, NANO_TEST_VECTORS.SEND_BLOCK.signature) + assert.equals(await block.hash(), NANO_TEST_VECTORS.SEND_BLOCK.hash) + assert.equals(block.signature, NANO_TEST_VECTORS.SEND_BLOCK.signature) }) test('should create a valid signature for a send block without work', async () => { @@ -131,9 +130,9 @@ describe('block signing tests using official test vectors', async () => { NANO_TEST_VECTORS.SEND_BLOCK.previous ) await block.sign(NANO_TEST_VECTORS.SEND_BLOCK.key) - assert.equal(await block.hash(), NANO_TEST_VECTORS.SEND_BLOCK.hash) - assert.equal(block.signature, NANO_TEST_VECTORS.SEND_BLOCK.signature) - assert.equal(, '') + assert.equals(await block.hash(), NANO_TEST_VECTORS.SEND_BLOCK.hash) + assert.equals(block.signature, NANO_TEST_VECTORS.SEND_BLOCK.signature) + assert.equals(, '') }) test('should create a valid signature for a change rep block', async () => { @@ -146,8 +145,8 @@ describe('block signing tests using official test vectors', async () => { work, ) await block.sign('781186FB9EF17DB6E3D1056550D9FAE5D5BBADA6A6BC370E4CBB938B1DC71DA3') // Did not find a private key at nano docs for this address - assert.equal(block.signature?.toUpperCase(), 'A3C3C66D6519CBC0A198E56855942DEACC6EF741021A1B11279269ADC587DE1DA53CD478B8A47553231104CF24D742E1BB852B0546B87038C19BAE20F9082B0D') - assert.equal(, work) + assert.equals(block.signature?.toUpperCase(), 'A3C3C66D6519CBC0A198E56855942DEACC6EF741021A1B11279269ADC587DE1DA53CD478B8A47553231104CF24D742E1BB852B0546B87038C19BAE20F9082B0D') + assert.equals(, work) }) test('should create a valid signature for a change rep block without work', async () => { @@ -158,7 +157,7 @@ describe('block signing tests using official test vectors', async () => { 'F3C1D7B6EE97DA09D4C00538CEA93CBA5F74D78FD3FBE71347D2DFE7E53DF327' ) await block.sign(NANO_TEST_VECTORS.PRIVATE_0) - assert.equal(block.signature?.toUpperCase(), '2BD2F905E74B5BEE3E2277CED1D1E3F7535E5286B6E22F7B08A814AA9E5C4E1FEA69B61D60B435ADC2CE756E6EE5F5BE7EC691FE87E024A0B22A3D980CA5B305') - assert.equal(, '') + assert.equals(block.signature?.toUpperCase(), '2BD2F905E74B5BEE3E2277CED1D1E3F7535E5286B6E22F7B08A814AA9E5C4E1FEA69B61D60B435ADC2CE756E6EE5F5BE7EC691FE87E024A0B22A3D980CA5B305') + assert.equals(, '') }) }) diff --git a/test/tools.test.mjs b/test/tools.test.mjs index 165c9ed..04be748 100644 --- a/test/tools.test.mjs +++ b/test/tools.test.mjs @@ -3,54 +3,59 @@ 'use strict' -import '#test/GLOBALS.mjs' -import { describe, expect, test } from '@jest/globals' +import { assert, skip, test } from '#test/GLOBALS.mjs' import { RAW_MAX, NANO_TEST_VECTORS } from '#test/TEST_VECTORS.js' import { Bip44Wallet, Account, SendBlock, Rpc, Tools } from '#dist/main.js' const wallet = await Bip44Wallet.fromSeed(NANO_TEST_VECTORS.PASSWORD, NANO_TEST_VECTORS.BIP39_SEED) await wallet.unlock(NANO_TEST_VECTORS.PASSWORD) -const rpc = new Rpc(process.env.NODE_URL ?? '', process.env.API_KEY_NAME) - -describe('unit conversion tests', async () => { +let rpc +//@ts-expect-error +var process = process || null +if (process) { + //@ts-expect-error + rpc = new Rpc(process?.env?.NODE_URL ?? '', process?.env?.API_KEY_NAME) +} + +test('unit conversion tests', async () => { test('should convert nano to raw', async () => { const result = await Tools.convert('1', 'NANO', 'RAW') - assert.equal(result, '1000000000000000000000000000000') + assert.equals(result, '1000000000000000000000000000000') }) test('should convert raw to nano', async () => { const result = await Tools.convert('1000000000000000000000000000000', 'RAW', 'NANO') - assert.equal(result, '1') + assert.equals(result, '1') }) test('should convert 1 raw to 10^-29 nano', async () => { const result = await Tools.convert('1', 'RAW', 'NANO') - assert.equal(result, '.000000000000000000000000000001') + assert.equals(result, '.000000000000000000000000000001') }) test('should ignore leading and trailing zeros', async () => { const result = await Tools.convert('0011002200.0033004400', 'nano', 'nano') - assert.equal(result, '11002200.00330044') + assert.equals(result, '11002200.00330044') }) test('should convert raw to nyano', async () => { const result = await Tools.convert(RAW_MAX, 'RAW', 'NYANO') - assert.equal(result, '340282366920938.463463374607431768211455') + assert.equals(result, '340282366920938.463463374607431768211455') }) test('should convert case-insensitive nyano to raw', async () => { const result = await Tools.convert('0.000000000000000123456789', 'nYaNo', 'rAw') - assert.equal(result, '123456789') + assert.equals(result, '123456789') }) test('should convert nano to pico', async () => { const result = await Tools.convert('123.456', 'nano', 'pico') - assert.equal(result, '123456') + assert.equals(result, '123456') }) test('should convert knano to pico', async () => { const result = await Tools.convert('123.456', 'nano', 'pico') - assert.equal(result, '123456') + assert.equals(result, '123456') }) test('should throw if amount exceeds raw max', async () => { @@ -74,26 +79,26 @@ describe('unit conversion tests', async () => { }) }) -describe('signature tests', async () => { +test('signature tests', async () => { test('should sign data with a single parameter', async () => { const result = await Tools.sign(NANO_TEST_VECTORS.PRIVATE_0, '') - assert.equal(result, 'FECB9B084065ADC969904B55A0099C63746B68DF41FECB713244D387EED83A80B9D4907278C5EBC0998A5FC8BA597FBAAABBFCE0ABD2CA2212ACFE788637040C') + assert.equals(result, 'FECB9B084065ADC969904B55A0099C63746B68DF41FECB713244D387EED83A80B9D4907278C5EBC0998A5FC8BA597FBAAABBFCE0ABD2CA2212ACFE788637040C') }) test('should sign data with multiple parameters', async () => { const result = await Tools.sign(NANO_TEST_VECTORS.PRIVATE_0, '', 'somePassword') - assert.equal(result, 'BB534F9B469AF451B1941FFEF8EE461FC5D284B5D393140900C6E13A65EF08D0AE2BC77131EE182922F66C250C7237A83878160457D5C39A70E55F7FCE925804') + assert.equals(result, 'BB534F9B469AF451B1941FFEF8EE461FC5D284B5D393140900C6E13A65EF08D0AE2BC77131EE182922F66C250C7237A83878160457D5C39A70E55F7FCE925804') }) test('should verify a signature using the public key', async () => { const result = await Tools.verify(NANO_TEST_VECTORS.PUBLIC_0, 'FECB9B084065ADC969904B55A0099C63746B68DF41FECB713244D387EED83A80B9D4907278C5EBC0998A5FC8BA597FBAAABBFCE0ABD2CA2212ACFE788637040C', '') - assert.equal(result, true) + assert.equals(result, true) const result2 = await Tools.verify(NANO_TEST_VECTORS.PUBLIC_0, 'FECB9B084065ADC969904B55A0099C63746B68DF41FECB713244D387EED83A80B9D4907278C5EBC0998A5FC8BA597FBAAABBFCE0ABD2CA2212ACFE788637040C', '') - assert.equal(result2, false) + assert.equals(result2, false) const result3 = await Tools.verify(NANO_TEST_VECTORS.PUBLIC_0, 'AECB9B084065ADC969904B55A0099C63746B68DF41FECB713244D387EED83A80B9D4907278C5EBC0998A5FC8BA597FBAAABBFCE0ABD2CA2212ACFE788637040C', '') - assert.equal(result3, false) + assert.equals(result3, false) }) test('should verify a block using the public key', async () => { @@ -109,7 +114,7 @@ describe('signature tests', async () => { ) await sendBlock.sign(account.privateKey ?? '') const valid = await sendBlock.verify(account.publicKey) - assert.equal(valid, true) + assert.equals(valid, true) }) test('should reject a block using the wrong public key', async () => { @@ -127,20 +132,20 @@ describe('signature tests', async () => { sendBlock.account = Account.fromAddress('nano_1q3hqecaw15cjt7thbtxu3pbzr1eihtzzpzxguoc37bj1wc5ffoh7w74gi6p') const valid = await sendBlock.verify(account.publicKey) - assert.equal(valid, false) + assert.equals(valid, false) }) }) -describe('sweeper', async () => { +test('sweeper', async () => { test('throws without required parameters', async () => { //@ts-expect-error await assert.rejects(Tools.sweep(), - { message: 'Missing required sweep arguments' }) + 'Missing required sweep arguments') }) - test.skip('fails gracefully for ineligible accounts', async () => { + skip('fails gracefully for ineligible accounts', async () => { const results = await Tools.sweep(rpc, wallet, NANO_TEST_VECTORS.ADDRESS_1) assert.ok(results) - assert.equal(results.length, 1) + assert.equals(results.length, 1) }) })